If you are logged in to your account and are seeing this message to subscribe, we recommend doing the following:
- Visit nymag.com.
- Navigate to the top right hand corner of the page to see if you are logged into your account.
- You will either see the option to "Subscribe" or "Sign In." If you see an option that says Account, then you are logged into your subscription.
- If you are not logged in, click the "Sign In" link and follow the login instructions for either an email/password login or access via Google or Facebook.
- If you are logged in already, please hover over "My Account" and click "Logout".
- After logging out of your account please log in again to clear your previous login session in order to access your subscription.
As an alternative, you can also clear your cached cookies and images from your browser settings or enable third party cookies from your settings options.
If you are still experiencing issues on your account, please contact us here: