We will send an email acknowledgment of pending, requested recurring subscription payments for annual subscribers 30 days prior to the date the credit or debit card will be charged. Monthly subscribers will receive an email acknowledging the end of their introductory period 7 days prior to automatic renewal for the standard, the current rate. Notifications and communications related to recurring charges will be sent to the email address provided by the subscriber. If the email provided is invalid, the subscriber is responsible for communicating a corrected email address to customer service. Should the price of a subscription rate increase, subscribers will be notified via email a minimum of 30 days in advance.
Changes to Subscription Rates & Terms
New York Magazine/ Vox Media reserves the right to change its subscription dues rates at any time. Automatic subscription renewals will be charged at the then-current subscription dues rate. Any changes to subscription dues will be communicated by Vox to the enrolled subscriber prior to the automatic payment date. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to update their subscription record.